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Project type/Form of grant
International cooperation
Title [sv]
FOIP: Medborgerligt engagemang i det senmoderna samhället – ideellt arbete i hybridorganisationer
Title [en]
FOIP: Civic participation in late modern society– the case of volunteering in hybrid organisations
Abstract [en]
The purpose is to open up and contribute to a research agenda dealing with the meaning of civic participation in late modern society. The project consists of a study of volunteering in hybrid organisations. Overall questions are: What characterize hybrid organisations as volunteer settings and what meaning do volunteers in hybrid organisations attribute to their efforts? Volunteering is carried out in civil society organisations that foster civility and produce welfare service. When they become influenced by principles belonging in other spheres or when civil society principles are adopted by organisations in other spheres so that defining characteristics are altered organisations becoming hybridized. The quest is for new forms of volunteering, re-embedded in hybrid organisations, and how the interplay between individuals and the society is perceived from that perspective. To alleviate the lack of comparative discussions on late modern volunteering across different welfare regimes, the project is a part of an international research network. It is aiming to develop a common theoretical and conceptual framework of volunteering in hybrid settings to make comparisons possible.Theoretically, the project’s point of departure is the relationships between institutional structures and the perceptions and values that guide actors. Therefore, the project will take studies in worldviews as one of its theoretical and methodological approaches and will investigate individuals’ interpretations of reality and how these are shaped as contextually dependent schemata. The project will take a phenomenological perspective and involve: The Stockholm police department, Stockholms Stadsmission, a corporation using corporate volunteers and a local sports club for children and youth.
Principal Investigatorvon Essen, Johan
Coordinating organisation
Marie Cederschiöld University
2012-09-01 - 2014-11-30
DiVA, id: project:2929Project, id: 2011-01656_Forte

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