The aim with this literature review was to describe content, objectives, design, and outcomes of support groups for parentally bereaved children three to twelve years of age. In a support group with children in similar situation the children's thoughts, experiences and feelings will be normalised through different activities. Pedagogical methods include creative activities of different kinds, e.g. painting, writing letters and poems, reading stories, play and games. The purposes of the methods are to accept and understand the reality of the loss, to understand and work through the grieving, to enhance family communication, and to keep the memory of the death and go on living. Organisation and structure are described in relation to development levels and ages of children and youths. Outcomes of groups are characterized by clinical observations and a dearth of evaluative studies. All bereaved children should have the opportunity to participate in a support group when a parent, sibling or other relative dies. Well developed services for bereaved children should be a matter of health care policy and quality.
Title in English: Support groups for parentally bereaved children: a review