Carers working in psychiatric care are sometimes exposed to insane, unpredictable and violent actions. In rare cases a patient appears to be resistant to all forms of pharmacological treatment. · Fifteen carers (4 RNs, 11 ENs) on a psychiatric ward in Sweden were interviewed about their experiences when caring for a person who acted in a disturbing manner. Narrative interviews were conducted and interpreted using a method inspired by Ricoeur. · Four themes were formulated which describe the carers’ uncertainty about the future, their inability to interpret the patient’s disturbing behaviour and their own overall feeling of meaninglessness. · Carers believed that the patient had power and ruled the ward, which led to them feeling they were subjugated victims. Interviews also revealed the carers’ recognition of forbidden feelings and actions and own unknown negative sides. · These results were interpreted and reflected on in the light of an ethical framework in order to achieve a deeper understanding of the text. · This paper shows that an ethical perspective is important when searching for the meaning of caring for patients acting in a disturbing manner. The study raises the question: ‘Is it possible to establish good when evil has dominion?