Introduction: Most older people living in nursing homes need R-ABC (assistance while dressing, undressing, eating, maintaining personal hygiene and while being transferred). This conveys to be helped with things that most people prefer to do in private, turning the older person’s body into an area, accessible to others in ways that would be unacceptable in other contexts.
Aim: The aim of the study was to elucidate meanings of receiving assisted bodily care, as narrated by older persons living in a nursing home.
Method: The study used a lifeworld design, focusing upon how the older persons experienced their world. Narrative interviews with 12 older persons generated 28 interviews.The transcribed interviews were analyzed by use of a phenomenological hermeneutical method, inspired by the philosophy of Ricoeur.
Results: The main theme ’Assenting to exposedness’ means to be exposed to others’ glances, touch and benevolence in an organisation that limits the conditions under which one lives. The overall meaning is to be exposed. Before that, one can do nothing but assent. The theme comprised five themes.
To have hope in hopelessness
Means to recognise remaining bodily assets and receive help to practice in order to increase self-determination, while simultaneously being aware that the life journey is nearing its end.
To relinquish one’s body into others’ hands
Means pleasure when experienced as soft, calm, warm, skilled and caring touch while talking about other things, which mutes the care needs. It means suffering when your wishes are neglected and the body is treated ’like a package’.
To be between power and powerlessness
Means to be able, to preserve self-determination by keeping trying to manage on one’s own. It means powerlessness when being without say, or feeling abandoned while waiting.
To oscillate between one’s own responsibility and demands
Means to judge situations and assent to circumstances predicted by others, but it also means uttering complaints about shortages in R-ABC, caused by organisational economic priorities.
To be in an ongoing interaction
Means having an equal and mutual fellowship with ANs, tinged by a joviality and closeness that normalises otherwise embarrassing situations. On the other hand, it means loneliness and alienation when R-ABC is percieved mechanical, not attending to personal wishes about the delivery of assisted bodily care.
Conclusions: The meaning of R-ABC is to be exposed, but not passively. Rather, it means to be self-determinant for as long as possible, to perceive the body as lived and avoid objectification. Further, to take on responsibility for judging the ANs work-load before asking for help.
IAGG-ER 2019 - 9th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, Gothenburg, May 23-25, 2019