Despite the fact that longitudinal qualitative research has attained more attention over the last couple of years, there is little literature about the procedures of doing qualitative longitudinal analysis. This presentation will focus upon procedures of conducting a pattern-oriented longitudinal analysis. A pattern-oriented analysis focuses upon how individuals (or phenomena) move through a process/time in identifiable patterns. While other longitudinal analysis approaches might emphasize a main process, a pattern-oriented approach accounts for the individual variance in the context of time and change. We developed the pattern-oriented analysis approach after conducting two independent qualitative longitudinal studies concerning learning and enacting self-management in the context of chronic conditions. Examples from these studies will be discussed during the presentation. Both analyses were performed in several steps where the following key features included: “identifying the process,” “summarized description,” and “using matrixes.” The key features of the analysis procedure will be presented as well as pitfalls and possible solutions related to the approach.