Background: A much more substantial European evidence base on the accessibility of healthcare services among women experiencing homelessness across healthcare systems in Europe is warranted.
Objective: To give voice to women with experiences of homelessness, and to explore their perspectives of healthcare services in an EU country with universal healthcare.
Design: The study is part of a research program striving to promote equal healthcare through co-production with women in homelessness. An advisory board of women with lived experience of homelessness was established and a qualitative, interpretive and exploratory design was employed.
Participants: 26 women with experience of homelessness were interviewed. Their median age was 46 years (range 42) and 70% were roofless/houseless.
Methods: Data were analyzed with content analysis. Co-production and joint analyses were conducted by researchers and three women with experience of homelessness, using the DEPICT model for collaborative analysis.
Results: The analysis resulted in one overall theme: Visiting healthcare from the outskirts of society, comprising three sub-themes: Demand for a life in order - Exclusion in action; Unwell, unsafe and a woman - Multifaceted needs challenge healthcare; and Abuse versus humanity – power of healthcare encounters to raise or reduce. Women's experiences of care encounters were disparate, with prevalent control, mistrust and stigma, yet healthcare professionals that demonstrated respect for the woman's human dignity was described both as life-altering and lifesaving.
Conclusions: Women in homelessness live on the outskirts of society and have multiple experiences of exclusion and loss of dignity within healthcare services. The multifaceted care needs challenge healthcare, leading to women feeling alienated, invisible, disconnected and worthless. We urge registered nurses to take actions for inclusion health, i.e. focusing health efforts of people experiencing extreme health inequities. We can lead the way by speaking up and confronting discriminating behaviors, protecting and restoring human dignity in caring relationships, and framing healthcare services for all citizens.
2021. Vol. 120, article id 103974
Co-production, Health inequity, Homelessness, Human rights, Inclusion, Health, Nursing, Women